Thursday, March 14, 2013


In Kenya we learn for four years in high school and then do a national exam called Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education.This exam lasts for 1month.We wait for results for roughly 3months after which the grades determine who is to go to university and the courses they have to study and who is not.Does the same apply in your country?What dertemines college admission and courses to study?
We would love to know how it works there!
Christine and Fiona
St. Al's Gonzaga, Nairobi.

1 comment:

  1. ok so here we go to high or four years as well and there is test that we take to determine what colleges we can get into the test are called S.A.T and A.C.T. but the thing is that the test don't say that people can't go to tis college they can still go to the college if they get accepted it just what they study at the college is the difference they determine if you get in by your G.P.A Grade Point Average
